(314) 916-6743
Hassle Free Digital Marketing Solutions For Overwhelmed Service-Based Small Businesses
Missing potential customer calls and they end up working with my competitors
No time to worry about learning the technical stuff to market my business and run it at the same time. It's exhausting!
I get nothing but junk reviews on my site, or they are only the complainers.
My phone stopped ringing and prospective customer list dried out.
Don't worry, I can help!
I started Christopher McManamy LLC and my custom built SaaS solution, Digital Tech Magnet, to be the go-to digital marketing service provider for St. Louis area home service based businesses.
In October 2024, I earned the distinct honor of becoming a HighLevel Certified Admin, which is the backbone of the Digital Tech Magnet software bundle to run your businesses as hands-off as possible.
Proving I have the knowledge, expertise, credibility, and professionalism to take your business and run your marketing department with the highest of standards and modern technology.
Ever since I started this agency, I've been able to lift the massive burden off my clients simply by accomplishing the following:
Allow me to put your mind at ease if these questions are on your mind
While larger enterprises and corporations will often invest large amounts into their marketing budget, the answer to the question is no.
Digital Marketing is applicable for businesses of all sizes, large and small.
The goal is to pinpoint your target customer, and reach them, even as a smaller business.
This is why we work specifically with small business owners in mind (even if you have a smaller budget), as we can relate to your situations and needs with our services.
This is another misconception that running paid ads to your business will yield quick results in the short term.
One philosophy I stand by as a marketer online in 2024 is SINGULAR FOCUS.
The reality is that we tailor a long term strategy and vision when running ads for your business.
We build, target, and actively monitor your running ads to keep them in check and don't waste your advertising budget.
Our custom Simple Ad Magnet solution allows you to get your ads up and running in 3 clicks.
If it is your first time running ads, the platform needs time to learn, scan, and place your ads in front of the right audience.
While it is certainly possible to run your digital marketing strategies on your own, it does take professional knowledge, time, and effort to run your digital marketing in your business.
Plus you'd also have to run your business in addition to handling the marketing.
It is recommended you do your due diligence, and research on whom you outsource your marketing efforts.
Our goal is to manage strictly the marketing using our proven methods and technology, so you can focus on running your business.
Thus separating the two roles and making your life easier, not overwhelmingly complicated.
It is not necessary to have an overly fancy, or complex website to run your business.
However, a well designed website is even more important.
Our goal is to make sure you have a high converting website to turn your visitors into paying clients for the long term.
Functional over fashionable wins every single time.
AI is really the most discussed topic (and most leveraged) in the world right now.
All business are seeing roles replaced with AI, and even incorporated into day to day operations.
This can be good or bad. However we view AI as a positive valuable asset to businesses, not a crutch.
We will only deploy our solutions including AI into places where it makes sense.
The goal is to free up your time and make your phone ring.
We have some tools which leverage AI, but not all of them.
Whether it's a 24/7 chat section, or an "assistant" replying to reviews your customers leave you, we will leverage it to the best of our abilities, without taking away the human element from your business.
(per month), cancel anytime!
Always On Digital Management Hosting
Hands Free Appointment Booking System (all on AutoPilot)
24/7 Live Chat "Assistant"
Personalized Client Outreach System
No Missed Call System
Customer Reputation Management
Hassle-Free Onboarding
Monthly Connect Status Meetings
0 Setup Fee
Simple Ads Magnetic Attraction System (customer ad spend additional monthly fee)
Support Ticketing System if you run into troubles and need help
No contracts - cancel anytime
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